

然而,单单吃得好是不足够的。人们必须通过进行定期运动和社交互 动来保持身心活跃。除了能保持身体健康外,经常运动的人,心理和情绪健康,精神疾病发生率也更低。

随着年龄的增长,我们不可避免地会生病,无论是短期的急性病还是 长期的慢性病。遵守专业规定的医学疗法将有助于治愈或控制疾病,防止发生导致残疾或危及生命的并发症。


看见《生活》这本书采用了全人整体的方法,来促进人们的健康和支 持疾病预防,让我振奋!尤其让我最感兴趣的是其中所分享,有益于健康, 并同时满足味蕾的美食食谱。

恭喜金兴和铠锶完成此书的出版。我相信它将为许多人的思想提供启 发、鼓舞人心!


Dr. Lam Pin Min

新加坡前卫生部兼交通部 – 高级政务部长

The trilogy of productive and healthy living includes Nutrition, Physical well-being and Medicine.

Nutrition plays an important and critical role in the development and health of a person. Good and balanced nutrition helps in building a stronger immune system, lowers the risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and enhances quality life span.

However, eating well alone is insufficient. One has to keep physically and mentally active through regular exercise and social interactions. Besides keeping oneself fit, people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional well-being, as well as lower rates of mental illnesses.

As we age, it is inevitable that we may fall ill, whether it is a short term acute illness or long term chronic disease. Compliance to professionally prescribed medical therapies will help cure or keep the medical conditions under control, preventing the development of disabling or life threatening complications.

The health of a person can no longer be seen in silo. Healthcare practitioners are moving towards a holistic approach to achieve optimal health outcomes.

I am heartened to see that “Living a LIFE” embraces a holistic approach to health promotion and supporting disease prevention. In particular, I am most intrigued by the sharing of great food recipes that benefit one’s health and at the same time satisfy the tastebuds.

Congratulations Desmond and Kay Tse on this publication. I am sure it will provide great inspirational food for thoughts for many!

God bless!

Dr. Lam Pin Min
Singapore Former Senior Minister of State for Health and Transport
7, November 2021

适逢金兴(亚太杰出企业家协会 – 自然医学顾 问)与铠锶(亚太杰出企业家协会 – 自然疗 法顾问)夫妇2人出版“生活”一书,不分宗教,种族与老少,健康与心灵的分享,为国家为社会尽点棉力,值得 鼓励!

我个人于1971年担任新加坡立达中学圣约翰救伤队分队主席,之后升 任新加坡圣约翰救伤队第六区总区主席至今,医药与保健方面也有点心得。个人也为社会做贡献,出力出钱!


Mr. Ho Kwok Choi

PBM, BBM, SBStJ, OStJ 2010年第16届亚洲运动会广州火炬手 新加坡中华医院 – 名誉院长
新加坡圣约翰救伤队 – 区主席
新加坡广惠肇留医院 – 高级名誉董事

Desmond (Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneur Association (AEEA) – Natural Therapy’s Advisor) and his wife, Kay Tse (Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association (AEEA) – Naturopath Advisor) has published this book “Living a LIFE” to share holistic physical and spiritual health, striving to support the country and the society, regardless of religion, race, and age. It is an effort worthy of encouragement!

Sharing a similar passion for social service, I served as the chairman of the St. John’s Ambulance Team of Singapore Rieter Secondary School in 1971, following my promotion to the chairman of the 6th district of Singapore’s St. John’s Ambulance, which armed me with related experience in healthcare. My passion for social support has unceasingly been demonstrated both physically and monetary!

I wish all success to Desmond and Kay Tse for the publication of their book!

Mr. Ho Kwok Choi
2010 Guangzhou Torchbearer of the 16th Asian Games Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution – Honorary Dean
Singapore St. John’s Ambulance Team – District Chairman
Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital – Senior Honorary Director
17, October 2021


金兴兄弟更是一位勤奋正直的好医者!他为了病重的母亲,钻研自然医学 – 反射理疗40年。他母亲最终康健至今已88岁了。他 的孝心与爱心是许多人应当学习的好榜样!

永不忘怀,10多年前我和太太受邀,在新加坡高级警官俱乐部,见证 金兴和其夫人铠锶别具意义、温馨又庄严的婚礼。

铠锶,童年在坚难逆境中的求存,刻苦耐劳的扛起整个家,出污泥而 不染;她孝顺的品格与人生的奋斗,令人感动和佩服,是许多人应当效仿 的!尤其她不向命运低头,反而,在逆境中更加发奋图强,努力学习在自然 疗法与营养学等保健领域,也在丈夫金兴大力的支持下,于美国与澳洲完成 学业并获得了许多的学位,并在社区保健方面作出贡献,值得奖励!

婚后身为孝顺媳妇的铠锶与家婆温馨融洽的相处,让她得到人生真正 的幸福美满生活!

近4年来,除丈夫金兴外,铠锶更是独自一个人,无微不至的照顾患末 期癌症的妹妹,直至今年三月份心爱的妹妹安祥病逝。化哀痛为力量,铠锶 现在更是积极的书写她的自然医学的博士论文,真为她的奋斗精神感到骄 傲!加油!

金兴与铠锶出版“生活”、为社会分享他们夫妻俩学习与钻研60年的 临床自然医学,反射理疗、营养学和健康美食烹饪食谱的心得,想必到时书 本正式出版面世后,将会兴起全人民对保健意识的热潮!

Dr. Yew Teck Siang ( Hons ) Sunny

PBM,拿督, 亚太杰出企业家协会 – 会长

I have known Desmond for 30 years and have invited him many times as lecturers and consultants in the communities and corporate organizations I used to serve. He always takes assigned tasks seriously and spares no effort in the work to be performed, which is worthy of admiration!

Desmond is also a diligent and upright good healer! Wanting his seriously ill mother to regain health, he pursued Natural Medicine – Reflex- Therapy for over 40 years. His mother has fully recovered since and continues to remain healthy over the years. She is currently 88 years, still going strong and vigilant. Desmond’s act of filial piety and love are good characters that many should learn from!

My wife and I were specially invited to witness the special, cosy yet solemn wedding of Desmond and his wife, Kay Tse more than ten years ago. I can never forget this meaningful event held at the Singapore Senior Police Officers’ Mess.

Kay Tse, a survivor, remained undefiled despite the difficulty and adversity of her childhood and worked hard to support the whole family. She did not bow to destiny. On the contrary, she worked harder in adversity and strived to pursue the field of Naturopathy and Nutrition. Her filial character and positive life examples are moving and admirable! Coupled with the strong support of her husband Desmond, she completed her studies in the United States and Australia with numerous achievements. Her continuous contributions to community healthcare are also worthy of applaud!

Kay Tse is a filial daughter-in-law after marriage, her harmoniously relationship with her mother-in-law brings her to a happy and complete familial relationship!

In the recent four years, aside from Desmond’s support, Kay Tse has single- handedly taken care of her terminally ill sister in every possible way she could until her beloved sister passed away peacefully during March this year. Kay Tse is now actively writing and finalizing her doctoral dissertation in Natural Medicine, turning grief and pain into strength. Such fighting spirit has indeed made us proud!

Desmond and Kay Tse have published “Living a LIFE” to share their gospel of health with society. Their 60 over years of clinical experience in Natural Medicine, Naturopathy, Reflex-Therapy, Nutrition, and healthy gourmet recipes in this book will definitely lead to a positive upsurge in people’s awareness of health care!

Congratulations to the successful publication of “Living a LIFE” with great victory!

Dr. Yew Teck Siang ( Hons ) Sunny
Fellow, Kentucky Colonel
President, Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association
20, October 2021

《生活》是沈金兴著作的第二本书,他是一名著名的自然医学 – 人体反射疗法的执业者,至今已从业40年。沈金兴成功治愈了患有晚期鼻咽癌的母亲后,开始了他终生的研究和实践之旅。他对这种疗法的热情和奉献体现在无数寻求缓解和治愈各种疾病的患者身上。



Dr. Thomas Ho Wai Thong

Senior Consultant Surgeon, Adj Asst Prof.
Surgical Oncologist (Fellow, Society of Surgical Oncology – FSSO)

“Living a Life” is the second book by Desmond Shen, a renowned practitioner of Natural Medicine- Human Reflex Therapy for forty years. Desmond embarked on his life-long journey of research and practice following his success in healing his mother who was diagnosed with end-stage nasopharygeal carcinoma. His passion and dedication to this therapy is exemplified by his countless patients today who seek relief and cure from a wide range of ailments.

My personal encounter with Desmond began three years ago when I was involved with the care and treatment of his sister-in-law Kay Ling who was diagnosed with recurrent metastatic colon cancer. While I provide the surgical management, Desmond and his wife Kay Tse complemented her treatment with reflex therapy and nutritional care. Whilst our practice of medicine differs fundamentally, both combined to good effect against this terrible terminal disease and contributed to her improved quality of life and survival. I attribute one other essential ingredient to her healing and that is our shared faith in Jesus Christ who is the final enabler of all our therapeutic efforts.

To date, Desmond’s success and immense popularity amongst his patients bear testimony to his acumen and skills in reflex therapy. Yet his message remains clear: reflex therapy does not replace the primary role of evidence-based Western medicine but provides a different dimension to the overall care of the patient. This book provides an insight into his knowledge and treatment philosophy, including testimonies from his clients as well as dietary recommendations and recipes by Kay Tse.

Dr. Thomas Ho Wai Thong
Senior Consultant Surgeon, Adj Asst Prof.
Surgical Oncologist (Fellow, Society of Surgical Oncology – FSSO)
20 August 2021

认识沈金兴兄20馀年,多次在他的“如鹰展翅”诊所,和病友一 起祷告祈求;他们当中有信主的、未信主的、不同年龄层的, 不过他们有一个共同点,就是在病患中彷徨、不知所措。

沈兄总是告诉他们,唯一的盼望,是救主耶稣基督;求圣灵动工、灵魂得救、病痛痊癒!感 谢赞美主垂听祷告,让我目睹许多病友,在沈兄的妙手理疗下得以康复。沈 兄数十年来虚心钻研自然医学,特别是人体反射理疗法,使不计其数的人回 春!

铠锶,自然疗法导师,她的营养学指南(铠锶博士论文的一部分), 等同一本深入浅出、又实用的营养学教科本!铠锶的另一专业—视虹膜 学,肯定也会造福多人。秉着预防胜于治疗的理念,从饮食调理着手、进而 改善生活方式,带来的是享受健康人生!

患了重病或顽疾,多数人会消极、忧伤、茶饭不思;有些病患则积极 的(或盲目的)遍寻名医神医、偏方灵药。沈兄一针见血的透过“生活”, 告诉大家怎么有智慧的抉择治疗方案、拣选生命、重拾健康、活出丰盛的生 命。拜读沈兄的书,就像聆听智慧之言,看见神的指引和曙光,走上康健大 道。

细读“饮食与保健篇”,先了解人体的器官和系统,再进入保健营养 疗法,各类营养汤、营养美食系列,肯定令人垂涎三尺,还会吃出健康!

从牧养的角度来看沈兄的“生活”,牧者、长执、教会领袖可以得着 许多启发性的点子,将有助于重新探讨、调整、拟定牧养、关顾、传福音的 方针与策略!

谨举荐“生活”,也愿读者“在我们主救主耶稣基督的恩典和知识上 有长进。”愿荣耀归给 神,从今直到永远!阿们!(彼得后书3:18)

菲律宾华侨 – 圣公会圣司提芬堂,2007年-2017年 – 代牧正

I have known Desmond for more than 20 years and have prayed during many occasions with his patients at his clinic – Eagle’s Therapy Management & Consultancy.

Among them, there are believers, non-believers, and people of different age groups, but they all have one thing in common – at a loss in handling their health concerns. Desmond always stressed that the only hope is Saviour Jesus Christ; pray for the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, souls will be saved, and healing will take place! Thanks, and praise the Lord for listening to prayers, allowing me to witness many patients’ recovery by Desmond’s Reflex-therapy. He has been humbly studying Natural Medicine for decades, especially human Reflex-Therapy, which has rejuvenated countless people!

Naturopath Kay Tse’s Nutrition Guide (part of Kay Tse’s doctoral dissertation), generously shared in this book, is equivalent to a practical nutrition textbook, explaining profound theories in simple language! Adhering to the concept that prevention is better than cure, weaving in dietary and lifestyle conditioning, Kay Tse’s other expertise – Iridology, will undoubtedly benefit many people and bring about enjoying a healthy life!

When suffering from serious or chronic illnesses, most people will become negative, upset, and restless; some will actively (or blindly) seek famous doctors and special remedies. Through《Living a LIFE》, Desmond pointedly shared how to select treatment options wisely, choose life over destruction, regain health and live a prosperous life. Reading Desmond’s book is like listening to words of wisdom, seeing God’s guidance and light, embarking on the road to health.

Reading the chapters on “Diet and Healthcare” mindfully, you will first be led to understand the body’s organs and systems, follow by the painstakingly explained health and nutrition diet plans. Numerous nutritious soups and nutritious food series marked a nice ending to these chapters, making your mouth water. You will definitely become healthier by trying them out!

Reading Desmond’s《Living a LIFE》from the perspective of shepherding, pastors, elders, and church leaders can get many enlightening ideas which will help them relook, adjust, and plan for policy and strategy supporting shepherding, caring, and evangelism!

I hereby recommend you this book,《Living a LIFE》, and wish that readers could “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen!” (2 Peter 3:18)

Rev. Samuel Sia
St. Stephen’s Parish, Philippines, Anglican 2007 – 2017 – Acting Rector
23, June 2021

作为一位实至名归的医师,沈金兴先生总是自谦地说:“我不是 医师”。实际上,在临床治疗中,他给许多的病患带来了希 望,其中有些是在医生宣告即将面对死亡的癌症患者、等待截肢的病人及不少的奇病怪症,在他百般照顾下都奇蹟般得了医治。其中有几位病人是我教 会的信徒,当我亲眼目睹这些神蹟的发生,不由得为此感恩和赞嘆。

其实,沈金兴医师的医术是从对母亲的孝心引发而来的,为要让患癌 的母亲可以得到治疗、延长寿命,他开始学习推拿、自然疗法,日夜为母亲作理疗,结果母亲痊癒了。

这份对母亲的爱,之后延伸至外人身上。他可以长途跋涉、不辞劳 苦、不计酬劳地从新加坡舟车劳顿地到马来西亚去看我同事的父亲;他常到 医院去看他的病人,甚至半夜三更会出现在医院,给他的病人加力,这点点滴滴都叫我感动不已。

沈医师为人真诚坦率,有如武林世界中肝胆相照的侠士,他会为你赴 汤蹈火在所不辞;在下意识里,他也会要求别人坦诚相待,而不是利用他, 当他发现对方的恶意,疾恶如仇的性格就会顿然出现。

他的医学理念,不仅关注病患身体的健康,同时关注他们灵性层面上 的需要;人的身心灵是一体的,必须全方位的处理才能到位。除这理念,加 上他对福音的使命感,他经常直率地向病人传福音,也不怕失去顾客,他多 次邀请我到他的诊所为病人祈祷,也常见他和夫人陪伴病人参加福音聚会, 因为他们知道除了身体的治疗,灵性上的治疗也不可或缺的。他对我说,这 是病人需要的,我不怕得罪他们,这令我敬佩。

当我翻阅他将出版的大作文稿,发现书中不仅有病患活生生的见证; 还有自然疗法~反射理疗原理的讲述,理论和临床经验的结合,加上他自创 的疗法与见地,难能可贵。

再往下看,有他夫人蔡铠锶姐妹的研究心得(是她博士论文的一小部 分),让读者能了解自身的器官组织及保养,特别将她学术的研究以图文并 茂又能深入浅出的讲解糖尿病、高胆固醇及肥胖症者的保健饮食疗法,最后 还不吝于将多年来抗癌、保健的菜谱与读者分享。使此书不仅具有学识上的 参考价值,还有非常强的实用性,让读者可以将此书珍藏。


苏立忠牧师 / 博士
新加坡生命堂 – 主理牧师,神学教育工作者

As a renowned physician, Mr. Desmond Sim often humbly expressed himself as “not a physician” despite bringing hope to many patients in clinical treatments. Some of these were cancer patients declared by doctors that their days are numbered, some were awaiting amputation of their limbs or afflicted with strange diseases. Under his care, they were miraculously healed. Some were believers from my church whom I witnessed their healing miracles with thanksgiving and awe.

Physician Sim’s medical skills were honed because of his filial piety towards his mother who had cancer and he hopes that she will be healed to live longer. Sim started learning tui-na and natural healing methods and would treat his mother for long hours till she was completely healed. This love Sim had for his mother is later extended to others. Sim would go the distance, make the effort without complaint to visit my colleague’s father in Malaysia. He also often visits his patients at hospitals late in the night to cheer them on. These efforts deeply touched my heart.

Physician Sim is an honest and straightforward person, like the warrior in the world of martial arts, he will go all the way to help a person. Subconsciously, he would also want this person to be honest with him and not make use of him. When he discovers the ill intentions of the other party, his righteous character would surface.

Sim’s medical philosophy is not only to care for the health of his patients, but also their spiritual needs. The human body and soul is one and requires a holistic healing approach. Other than this philosophy, he is mission oriented, often preaching the gospel to his patients without fear of losing them. Many times, he approached me to pray for patients at his clinic. He and his wife often brought these patients to the evangelistic gatherings knowing that other than the physical healing, they also require spiritual healing. He told me that this is the need of his patients and he is not afraid to offend them. I am truly impressed by him.

As I read the draft for his publication, I find many living testimonies of these patients; the combination of the theory and practical aspects of natural healing methods, Reflex- Therapy, and his self-created healing methods and insights, which are all valuable knowledge.

As I continue to read about the research insights of Sim’s wife, Kay Tse (a small part of her doctorate thesis), I can understand more about how organs function and the care for organs. Her scholarly research were expressed in pictorial forms which helped readers easily understand the healthcare and diet methodology for those with diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity issues. Lastly, they also share generously with readers about their anti-cancer and healthy food recipes to support maintenance of good health.

This book not only has valuable knowledge, but also very practical, so readers can keep it as a good reference.

I pray that this good publication can be a witness of God’s glory and greatly benefit its readers!

Rev. Dr. Caleb Soo
Singapore Life Church – Senior Pastor, Theological Educator
15, June 2021

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