灵 Spirit

Evangelistic sharing sessions


在【圣经】中,灵(希伯文:ruach,希腊文:pneuma ) 和“魂”(希伯来文: nephesh,希腊文:psyche)是不同的,是人里面两个不同的部分。

今天一般的基督教信仰中,因受古希腊哲学新柏拉图主义的思想影响,将人划分为两 部分 – 灵魂与身体。(二元论)

灵(非物质的)- 具备对“灵界”的直觉和领悟,体现在灵性、灵感、灵悟、良心等心灵 层面上及与神交通祷告或交鬼等活动中。灵直接掌控魂并间接掌控体,是魂与体的“总 司令”、“总指挥”。人的灵可直接与灵界(圣灵或邪灵)相通,接受灵界的信息,是人 与灵界的“桥梁”。

What is “spirit and soul”?

In the Bible, spirit (in Hebrew, ruach; in Greek, pneuma) and soul (in Hebrew, nephesh; in Greek, psyche) are different. They are two different parts within a person.

Influenced by the Neo-Platonism of Ancient Greek Philosophy, today’s general Christian faith divides human beings into two parts – spirit and soul, and body. (Dualism)

Spirit (non-material) possesses the intuition and understanding of the “spiritual world,” which is reflected in spirituality, inspiration, enlightenment, conscience, and other spiritual interactions, as well as in activities such as communion with God, praying, or dealing with ghosts. The spirit directly controls the soul and indirectly influences the body. It is the “commander-in-chief” and “chief conductor” of the soul and the body. The human spirit can directly communicate with the spiritual world (the Holy Spirit or the evil spirit). It receives information from the spiritual world and acts as the “bridge” between humans and the spiritual world.

In these aspects:

– 乃是人最里面的最高要素,把握着“自我”生命的根本(如同植物中掌握着生命的 果核一样);

Spirit – is the innermost and supreme essential element of human beings, grasping the root of “self” life (just as the plant holds the life containing pit);

– 是生命在“自我”里面的丰富表现;

Soul – is the rich expression of life in the “self”

– 则是灵与魂藉以与外面物质世界发生关系、展现“自我”生命的有机载体。一旦灵 与魂离开这个“生命的有机载体”,体(即肉身)则失去“生机”而死亡。

Body – is the organic vehicle through which the spirit and soul interact with the outer material world and present the “self” life. Once the spirit and soul leave this “organic carrier of life,” the body (that is, the flesh) loses its “vitality” and dies.


宗教信仰、种族文化的尊重与和谐,是我的人生理念,和秉持着最大的原则;尊重他 人的宗教,更是身为基督徒的我,最基本的素养。

努力学习,建立自己在基督信仰的根基,不去敌视和贬低他人的宗教与信仰;活出自 身在基督信仰的样式,不去论断别人的种族与文化思想。

忠于《圣经》的教导、顺服三位一体父上帝的旨意、谦卑虚心传扬基督信仰,领人信 主;仰望十架,高举基督,荣耀归天父上帝,阿们。

卑微的仆人 沈金兴

Purpose and Belief

I value religious tolerance and radical harmony. This is the principle I hold on to dearly.
Respecting the religion of others is the most basic courtesy as a Christian.

Study diligently, build myself in the foundation of Christianity, and refrain from feuding and demeaning the religion and belief of others; live in the image of Christ, and refrain from judging other people’s race and cultural thoughts.

Staying faithful to the teachings of the “Bible,” obeying the will of the Trinity God the Father, preaching Christianity with humility, leading people to Christ; looking upon the cross, upholding Christ, and glorifying God the Father, Amen.

The Lord’s humble servant Desmond Sim


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Desmond Shen is available for sharing engagements.
Please email contact@eaglestherapy.com to start the conversation with us.

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